Leaving Academia?

Don't just start applying to jobs on Linkedin, make sure your job search strategy puts you on the path to a career and life you actually want!

Search with a plan

You can apply for jobs anytime. But without the right preparation it's going to be a long, painful road.

Resume crafting, networking, branding, self reflection, all of the things that have to be done can seem like a giant overwhelming to-do pile without a clear plan.

This playbook contains 3 phases of concrete steps to prepare you to take your PhD to whatever industry you want, in about 60 pages.

This animation was created using AI. The book was written the old fashioned way.

"I can't thank you enough for all of your advice. I can say with great certainty that it helped me get these internship opportunities."


shallow focus photography of two women doing work in table
shallow focus photography of two women doing work in table


"If I had your book earlier, what took me months to learn from all the advice on LinkedIn, I could have learned in a matter of days."


woman standing behind brown concrete wall
woman standing behind brown concrete wall

" It was easy to read and made me think about different things from other PhD transition materials."

man walking on mountain carrying bag
man walking on mountain carrying bag


What readers are saying

I discuss the principles of the book with Tory Wobber